The subway of Moscow » Sokolnicheskaya Line » 'Biblioteka Imeni Lenina'
Ulitsa Podbelskogo Cherkizovskaya Preobrazhenskaya Ploshad Sokolniki Krasnoselskaya Komsomolskaya Krasniye Vorota Chistiye Prudy Lubyanka Ohotnii Ryad Biblioteka Imeni Lenina Kropotkinskaya Park Kultury Frunzenskaya Sportivnaya Vorobyovy Gory Universitet Prospekt Vernadskogo Yugo-Zapadnaya
'Biblioteka Imeni Lenina' station
rus. Библиотека имени Ленина ÷ eng. Lenin Library

Transfer to station 'Arbatskaya' of Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya Line
Transfer to station 'Aleksadrovskii Sad' of Filyovskaya Line
Transfer to station 'Borovitskaya' of Serpuhovsko-Timiryazevskaya Line

Taking place in Moscow Underground system

'Biblioteka Imeni Lenina' is a station of Sokonicheskaya Line in Moscow Subway system situated between stations 'Ohotnii Ryad' and 'Kropotkinskaya'.

The date of station foundation and the name origin

The station has been founded on May 15, 1935 as a part of the first district of Moscow subway system from 'Sokolniki' to 'Park Kultury' with a branch from 'Ohotnii Ryad' to 'Smolenskaya' and has been named according to the V. I. Lenin State Library of the USSR which is now know as the Russian State Library.

Exits and transfers

The station is a part of the biggest transfer junction in Moscow. From the station there is a transfer to station 'Arbatskaya' of Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya Line, to station 'Aleksadrovskii Sad' of Filyovskaya Line and to station 'Borovitskaya' of Serpuhovsko-Timiryazevskaya Line. Formally the station hasn't got its own vestibules, they are all combined with vestibules of other stations of the transfer junction. But — from the station you can exit to Mokhovaya Ulitsa (rus. Моховая Улица, eng. Mokhovaya Street) near the Russian State Library.

Number of passengers using the station

More than 350 thousand passengers used that station every day in 2002, so this station is one of the most demanded station in Moscow.

The station characterization

'Biblioteka Imeni Lenina' is a single vault shallow station (the depth is 12 meters). The station hall is overlapped with a unified vault, and that was the first station in the world which was constructed according to this project.

Decoration theme and materials of decoration

The track walls are faced with yellow ceramic tiles and yellow marble. the floor is faced with gray granite. The vault is decorated in cells. The station is illuminated with spherical lamps. In the eastern anteroom there is a mosaic portrait of V. I. Lenin.

Other stations of Sokolnicheskaya Line

Ulitsa Podbelskogo × Cherkizovskaya × Preobrazhenskaya Ploshad × Sokolniki × Krasnoselskaya
Komsomolskaya × Krasniye Vorota × Chistiye Prudy × Lubyanka × Ohotnii Ryad
Biblioteka Imeni Lenina × Kropotkinskaya × Park Kultury × Frunzenskaya × Sportivnaya
Vorobyovy Gory × Universitet × Prospekt Vernadskogo × Yugo-Zapadnaya

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