The subway of Moscow » Sokolnicheskaya Line » 'Kropotkinskaya'
Ulitsa Podbelskogo Cherkizovskaya Preobrazhenskaya Ploshad Sokolniki Krasnoselskaya Komsomolskaya Krasniye Vorota Chistiye Prudy Lubyanka Ohotnii Ryad Biblioteka Imeni Lenina Kropotkinskaya Park Kultury Frunzenskaya Sportivnaya Vorobyovy Gory Universitet Prospekt Vernadskogo Yugo-Zapadnaya
'Kropotkinskaya' station
rus. Кропоткинская ÷ eng. Kropotkin

Taking place in Moscow Underground system

'Kropotkinskaya' is a station of Sokonicheskaya Line in Moscow Subway system situated between stations 'Biblioteka Imeni Lenina' and 'Park Kultury'.

The date of station foundation and the name origin

The station has been founded on May 15, 1935 as a part of the first district of Moscow subway system from 'Sokolniki' to 'Park Kultury' with a branch from 'Ohotnii Ryad' to 'Smolenskaya' and has been named according to the street of the same name (which was later renamed to Prechistenka Street) in honour of P. A. Krototkin.

Exits and transfers

The station has two exits. From the older one you can exit to Gogolevsky Bulvar (rus. Гоголевский бульвар, eng. Gogol Boulevard), Gagarinsky Pereulok (rus. Гагаринский переулок, eng. Gagarin Lane) and Ploshad Prechstenskiye Vorota (rus. Площадь Пречистенские Ворота, eng. Prechstenka Gate Square). From the newer one you can exit to Ulitsa Volkhonka (rus. Улица Волхонка, eng. Volkhonka street) and to Vsehsvyatky pereulok (rus. Всехсвятский переулок, eng. Vsehsvyatsky Lane).

Number of passengers using the station

Number of retiring passengers per day is 41,9 thousand, number of entering passengers per day is 42,2 thousand.

The station characterization

'Kropotkinskaya' is a column trispan shallow station (the depth is 13 meters).

Decoration theme and materials of decoration

The decahedral columns and the track walls are faced with white-gray marble. The floor is faced with red and gray granite slabs settled in chessboard order (some years ago the covering was made of asphalt). The lamps are mounted in the heads of columns' tops. The cash hall walls are faced with light marble.

Other stations of Sokolnicheskaya Line

Ulitsa Podbelskogo × Cherkizovskaya × Preobrazhenskaya Ploshad × Sokolniki × Krasnoselskaya
Komsomolskaya × Krasniye Vorota × Chistiye Prudy × Lubyanka × Ohotnii Ryad
Biblioteka Imeni Lenina × Kropotkinskaya × Park Kultury × Frunzenskaya × Sportivnaya
Vorobyovy Gory × Universitet × Prospekt Vernadskogo × Yugo-Zapadnaya

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