The subway of Moscow » Sokolnicheskaya Line » 'Sportivnaya'
Ulitsa Podbelskogo Cherkizovskaya Preobrazhenskaya Ploshad Sokolniki Krasnoselskaya Komsomolskaya Krasniye Vorota Chistiye Prudy Lubyanka Ohotnii Ryad Biblioteka Imeni Lenina Kropotkinskaya Park Kultury Frunzenskaya Sportivnaya Vorobyovy Gory Universitet Prospekt Vernadskogo Yugo-Zapadnaya
'Sportivnaya' station
rus. Спортивная ÷ eng. Sportive

Taking place in Moscow Underground system

'Sportivnaya' is a station of Sokonicheskaya Line in Moscow Subway system situated between stations 'Frunzenskaya' and 'Vorobyovy Gory'.

The date of station foundation and the name origin

The station has been founded on May 1, 1957 as a part of the stage from 'Park Kultury' to 'Sportivnaya' and was named according to the closeness of the quay of the same name which was named according to the closeness of Luzhniki Olympic Complex.

Exits and transfers

The station has two ground-based vestibules. The northern one is situated on Ulitsa Desyatiletiya Oktyabrya (rus. Улица 10-Летия Октября, eng. October Revolution 10-th Anniversaty street), the southern one is situated on Hamovnichesky Val (rus. Хамовнический Вал, eng. Hamovniki Shaft street). On the second and the third floor of the southern vestibule there is an unpaid Museum of the Subway of Moscow.

Number of passengers using the station

Number of retiring passengers per day is 62,7 thousand, number of entering passengers per day is 61,2 thousand.

The station characterization

'Sportivnaya' is a pylon trivault deep station (the depth is 42 meters). The diameter of the centrall hall is 9,5 meters; the diameter of the side halls of the station is 8,5 meters.

Decoration theme and materials of decoration

The pylons are faced with white marble and decorated with a frieze made of green marble. The track walls are faced with white (in the top of the walls) and black (in their bottom) glazed ceramic tiles. The station vault is finished with a set of embossed plates of asbestos-cement. The walls of the escalator tunnels are faced with white marble. The floor is faced with slabs of red, gray and black granite forming a geometric pattern.

Other stations of Sokolnicheskaya Line

Ulitsa Podbelskogo × Cherkizovskaya × Preobrazhenskaya Ploshad × Sokolniki × Krasnoselskaya
Komsomolskaya × Krasniye Vorota × Chistiye Prudy × Lubyanka × Ohotnii Ryad
Biblioteka Imeni Lenina × Kropotkinskaya × Park Kultury × Frunzenskaya × Sportivnaya
Vorobyovy Gory × Universitet × Prospekt Vernadskogo × Yugo-Zapadnaya

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