The subway of Moscow » Sokolnicheskaya Line » 'Sokolniki'
Ulitsa Podbelskogo Cherkizovskaya Preobrazhenskaya Ploshad Sokolniki Krasnoselskaya Komsomolskaya Krasniye Vorota Chistiye Prudy Lubyanka Ohotnii Ryad Biblioteka Imeni Lenina Kropotkinskaya Park Kultury Frunzenskaya Sportivnaya Vorobyovy Gory Universitet Prospekt Vernadskogo Yugo-Zapadnaya
'Sokolniki' station
rus. Сокольники ÷ eng. Sokolniki

Taking place in Moscow Underground system

'Sokolniki' is a station of Sokonicheskaya Line in Moscow Subway system situated between stations 'Preobrazhenskaya Ploshad' and 'Krasnoselskaya'.

The date of station foundation and the name origin

The station has been founded on May 15, 1935 as a part of the first district of Moscow subway system from 'Sokolniki' to 'Park Kultury' with a branch from 'Ohotnii Ryad' to 'Smolenskaya' and has been named according to the city historical place of the same name. The first train in Moscow subway sytem history started its moving exactly from that station. one more interesting fact: this station had been the terminus of Sokolnicheskaya Line for thirty years.

Exits and transfers

The station has only one vestibule. It is ground-based and is situated on the alley which goes from Rusakovskaya Ulitsa (rus. Русаковская улица, eng. Rusakovskaya Street) to Sokolniki Park.

Number of passengers using the station

Number of retiring passengers per day is 52,3 thousand, number of entering passengers per day is 50,1 thousand.

The station characterization

'Sokolniki' is a column trispan shallow station (the depth is 9 meters). The station has two lines of columns with 23 columns in each line. The distance between two neighboring columns in the line is 7 meters. A model of the station was awarded the Grand Prix at the International Exhibition in Paris in 1937.

Decoration theme and materials of decoration

The track walls are faced with light-yellow ceramic slab. Their socles are faced with black marble. The columns are faced with gray-blue marble, so is the central bridge with the ladder. The floor is faced with gray and black granite (some years ago the covering was made of asphalt).

Other stations of Sokolnicheskaya Line

Ulitsa Podbelskogo × Cherkizovskaya × Preobrazhenskaya Ploshad × Sokolniki × Krasnoselskaya
Komsomolskaya × Krasniye Vorota × Chistiye Prudy × Lubyanka × Ohotnii Ryad
Biblioteka Imeni Lenina × Kropotkinskaya × Park Kultury × Frunzenskaya × Sportivnaya
Vorobyovy Gory × Universitet × Prospekt Vernadskogo × Yugo-Zapadnaya

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